Saturday, September 6, 2008


My road rally for the church

who - Me, ryan, Mitch, Adam, chris and my dad

what - the road rally

where - Any store we can find

when - last Friday night

why - for god

how - by trying to anoy the community as much as we can.

We started the road rally at 9:00 it was only Me, ryan, Mitch, Adam, chris & my dad. The first place we went to was Burger King and asked for five Big Maks but they didn't have any so we went to Mc Donalds and got one Big Mak and then when we got it we went to taco bell and tryed to trade a Big Mak for a bean burito but it was closed so we didn't get it. Next we went Big Boys and pointed at Big boy for 27 seconds after that we went into big boy and danced around a waiter and singe for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow that nobody can denied and ran we got all this on tape too.

The end

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