Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Baby that went down the MIssippi river

This is the first of two stories Vern wrote about really oversized babies. Apparently he had some obsession with huge babies at one point.

One day a women called Mrs. Johnson had and she called him Baby Bob but the baby weighed so much they couldn't carry him so they. Asked if the nurse could get some help but unfortunately. They couldn't get him out the door so they sat down and thinked. But no one thought of anything so they had to get a canoe and put. Him in it and he would hafto go down the Missipi river. So they did and waved good bye till he disapeard into the Fog. Now since baby bob all alone he was hungry so he picked. Some berries along the way and then he was tired so he took a nap for. About five hours and woke up and he was at the mouth but the boat couldn't hold his weight.

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